Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
black and white seems to be very important especially consensus has to be made in between different parties.
i was supposed to be provided with 1st month free accommodation in the uk but i had only stayed in the hotel for one week due to the fact that i managed to find a room therefore i moved out earlier. prior to moving out i spoke to the admin if i could have the remaining balance from the hotel expenses credited into my account since i move out earlier. she agreed that this should not be a problem. things went well and i moved to a new place and was waiting for the 1st month salary.
unfortunately when i checked my account balance today i found out that they never banked in the remaining balance into my account. i spoke to the boss with regards to this and what he told me was that i will not be paid anything from the balance. i was like wtf because this contradicted with what the admin and i had agreed. he further explained that: "you are not supposed to make any money from the company through this way, by right you should have found your accommodation prior to coming to the uk and in fact the company is not going to take the responsibility for funding your stay in the uk".
i was quite surprised when he told me this, didnt we agree that i will be provided with 1st month accommodation in the uk because this is my 1st time coming to the uk? didnt we agree that the balance will be credited into my account if i were to move out earlier? i could not really find a place in the uk not until i have seen the places and rooms myself. cant he understand this basic theory that i am not supposed to simply rent a room without viewing the room and its surrounding, as well as the safety aspect? if i never moved out earlier then i do not have to pay for the 1st month rental in advance. when i was trying to explain this to him what he told me was "we appreciate that you have found a room this quick and save the company money". @@
alright i am foolish enough that i did not instruct the admin to prepare a black and white stating that the refund will be credited to my account. somehow the boss is wrong to comment me saying that i am trying to make the money from the company through this cheap skate way, i never looked for a room before coming to the uk and etc.
this is very insulting and it really hurts! A good lesson learnt indeed.
do allow me to do this.. £"£^$"^%£&$*&%(^*(&^)&)(*&)(*)(
i was supposed to be provided with 1st month free accommodation in the uk but i had only stayed in the hotel for one week due to the fact that i managed to find a room therefore i moved out earlier. prior to moving out i spoke to the admin if i could have the remaining balance from the hotel expenses credited into my account since i move out earlier. she agreed that this should not be a problem. things went well and i moved to a new place and was waiting for the 1st month salary.
unfortunately when i checked my account balance today i found out that they never banked in the remaining balance into my account. i spoke to the boss with regards to this and what he told me was that i will not be paid anything from the balance. i was like wtf because this contradicted with what the admin and i had agreed. he further explained that: "you are not supposed to make any money from the company through this way, by right you should have found your accommodation prior to coming to the uk and in fact the company is not going to take the responsibility for funding your stay in the uk".
i was quite surprised when he told me this, didnt we agree that i will be provided with 1st month accommodation in the uk because this is my 1st time coming to the uk? didnt we agree that the balance will be credited into my account if i were to move out earlier? i could not really find a place in the uk not until i have seen the places and rooms myself. cant he understand this basic theory that i am not supposed to simply rent a room without viewing the room and its surrounding, as well as the safety aspect? if i never moved out earlier then i do not have to pay for the 1st month rental in advance. when i was trying to explain this to him what he told me was "we appreciate that you have found a room this quick and save the company money". @@
alright i am foolish enough that i did not instruct the admin to prepare a black and white stating that the refund will be credited to my account. somehow the boss is wrong to comment me saying that i am trying to make the money from the company through this cheap skate way, i never looked for a room before coming to the uk and etc.
this is very insulting and it really hurts! A good lesson learnt indeed.
do allow me to do this.. £"£^$"^%£&$*&%(^*(&^)&)(*&)(*)(
Monday, April 23, 2012
2012年3月30日,就在飞机起飞的那一刻,我的心也跟着划出了一道长长的伤痕。看着飞机荧幕上显示的距离是一万六百零八点二八公里时,心里不禁揪了一下。这一次我必须离开家人和朋友,只身远赴人生地不熟的地方展开属于自己的冒险。没错,我再一次离开马来西亚。上一次毅然决定到中东而体验到的不好经验并没有中止我想向外闯的念头,毕竟所有遇到的挫折确实地让人生上了宝贵的一课。然而这一次的目的地是我所向往已久的地方- 英国。不晓得在什么时候总会作着这样的梦,梦想自己总有一天会去到不同的国家闯出一片自己的天空。或许人生里总是会有太多的遗憾,所以为了减少错过的机率,我顺理成章地接受了英国的工作。尽管背地里有许多的人冷眼旁笑,打赌着说或许这一次只能熬过一个月然后打退堂鼓回国。当然也有不少良朋知己的支持和祝福,就像冬天里的一股暖流,雪中送炭。所有的一切哪怕它是好是坏,到最后都会成为人生的旅程碑。坐在飞机里头一个人想了好多好多,对未知的期待和对家人、朋友还有自己的承诺。如果说不害怕那一定是他妈的在骗着别人,骗着自己。
过了十三小时零五分钟,终于抵达英国伦敦国际机场,当地显示的时间是下午4时15分。对上了自己手上手表的时间- 11时15分,心里难掩不舍地将时间换上当地的时间。总共是7个小时的时差。下了飞机后迎面而来不再是温暖的阳光而是刺骨的寒风,说真的这样的感觉还来的蛮特别。匆忙地领取行李后便开始有了两个超级普遍难题。
"Hey Mr Lim!"
"Hey, wow how do you know I am Lim?"
"Of course I do."
Saturday, April 7, 2012
There will be an awful moment where you will miss your family and friends so badly. This feeling struck me yesterday and I felt like going home so badly. Sitting in the room alone without knowing what to do is so sucked. However this should be the transition period which I have to learn to adapt to the culture as well as the lifestyle here. UK is definitely a country worth trying and staying for a period of time, after all it may be the chance crosses only once in my life.
I always remember:
"never try, never know"
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